Achat public et proximité géographique : une étude économétrique dans le contexte français

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L’analyse des relations d’échange entre entreprises, ou encore des relations inter-organisationnelles, donne lieu à une importance littérature depuis une trentaine d’années. La proximité qui peut exister entre client et fournisseur pour améliorer la performance de leur relation est largement abordée, notamment dans sa dimension organisationnelle mais aussi, plus récemment, dans sa dimension spatiale. Cet article s’intéresse au contexte particulier des achats publics en démontrant, à partir d’une étude économétrique conduite sur 565.557 transactions réalisées entre 6.182 donneurs d’ordres et 26.570 fournisseurs, que la proximité géographique des fournisseurs est devenue en France un élément clé de la gouvernance de certaines relations inter-organisationnelles sur les marchés publics.

Mamavi, O., Nagati, H., Werhle, F. et Paché, G., (2016) Proximité géographique et achat public: une étude économétrique dans le contexte français – Revue Recherche en Sciences de Gestion (à paraître) Télécharger ici

Quelle intelligence peut-on trouver dans les données massives ? La cas des marchés publics français

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L’objet de cet article est d’expliquer comment les données des marchés publics peuvent être considérées comme des « big data », dans lesquelles il est possible de trouver de « l’intelligence ». Pour cela, nous faisons une analyse longitudinale des avis d’attribution issus du Bulletin Officiel des Annonces de Marchés Publics (BOAMP) sur la période 2006-2010. Les résultats montrent que les données massives permettent d’extraire des indicateurs structurels qui facilitent la prise de décision stratégique de l’acheteur public pour structurer ses appels d’offres et renforcer son pouvoir de décision dans la sélection des fournisseurs. Cela pose, ainsi, les fondements de futures applications d’intelligence économique dédiées aux achats publics.

Mamavi, O., et Morin, S. (2014). Quelle intelligence peut-on trouver dans les données massives ? La cas des marchés publics français. Revue Internationale d’Intelligence Économique, vol.6, pp. 131-42. Télécharger l’article

Les coulisses des marchés publics

Comment remporter des appels d’offres ? Quelles sont les stratégies qui facilitent l’accès des entreprises à la commande publique ? Quel est l’impact des réseaux sur la décision publique ? Qu’est-ce qu’un marché public ?

 C’est à de telles questions que cet ouvrage tente de répondre. Il analyse le lien entre l’environnement relationnel des entreprises et leur performance. Il fait le point sur la littérature et décrit la façon d’organiser, efficacement, des manœuvres de coopération pour obtenir des appels d’offres. Il propose une solution originale qui permet d’exploiter des données ouvertes (opendata) et massives (bigdata). Il présente une démarche qui explique comment les réseaux d’alliances influencent l’attribution des marchés publics.
    • Titre: Les Coulisses des marchés publics
    • Auteur: Olivier Mamavi
    • Éditeur : Éditions l’Harmattan
    • Collection / Série : Entreprises et management
    • Prix de vente au public (TTC) : 27 €
    • ISBN 978-2-343-05593-0
    • EAN 9782343055930

Strategic Network

To analyze strategic networks, we have chosen to study the responses, through co-transacting, to invitation to tender in French public markets. Our study is based on the analysis of coalition relationships within company groups.

Data used for this study issues from the attribution notices from of the French Official Journals (BOAMP). From transactions made in 2008, we have selected, with key words, the transactions held only by groups of companies.

Table 1 details the census of the observed businesses. It shows the number of parties that we identified within the groups. Obtaining this data goes through a multi-stage process: extraction, cleaning, filtering, formatting, dedoubling and indexing. The nature of the data used to analyze the groups of companies is held by three variables. The first is allotted to the identification of the parties (business reasons). The second is ascribed to the type of beneficiaries of the transactions (company groups). The third variable concerns the cooperative relation which links the parties within a group. We have considered that there is a cooperative relationship with two companies when they obtain a market within the bounds of co-transaction (a belonging to a group of companies).

table 1 : characteristics of the identified companies

Total number of transactions

54 181

Number of transactions undertaken by groups

4 203

Number of companies within the groups

6 563

Number of cooperation links

10 377 provides free access to its datasets. To download datasets click here: adjacency list strategic network 2008
For more information and if you have any questions contact us at:

French contract award records

The data were taken from the contract award records of the Bulletin Officiel des Annonces des Marchés Publics (BOAMP). From 2006 to 2011, 565,557 transactions completed between 6,182 contractors (procurers) and 26,570 suppliers were analyzed.

The BOAMP compiles calls for tenders and contract award results at the state, local community and public establishment levels. The contract award notice states the public procurer’s decision, along with the following information: identification of the principal and the tenderers, the type of market, type of procedure, awarding criteria, and publication date. The distribution of transactions by sector is based on the CPV (for Common Procurement Vocabulary) classification.

The CPV is the reference nomenclature for public markets adopted by the European Parliament. The CPV assigns a nine-digit code to about 6,000 terms generally used in awarding contracts on public markets. To simplify the analysis, we have retained three main sectors.

  • The works market, which covers building construction or civil engineering projects (e.g. construction of a hospital or road repairs).
  • The service market, which covers building cleaning and maintenance, and household waste collection services.
  • The goods market, which covers provision of capital equipment and consumer goods (e.g. furniture or office supplies). provides free access to its datasets.To download datasets click here: french prublic procurement in 2008
For more information and if you have any questions contact us at:

Out of sight, out of mind? Supplier spatial proximity in French public procurement

Mis en avant

The paper studies the impact of spatial proximity on supplier selection in the French public sector. While French public procurement legislation forbids consideration of supplier location in the procurement process, public contractors may still rely on spatial proximity for complex transactions necessitating mutual adjustments with suppliers.
Using French Official Journals (BOAMP), we compiled 565,557 transactions completed on three public procurement markets between 6,182 contractors and 26,570 suppliers, over a period of six years (between 2006 and 2011). We conducted a two-level hierarchical linear auto-regression analysis and a feature evaluation analysis for all transactions.
The paper finds significant variation between the transactions on different markets: a negative effect of spatial proximity on the number of contract notices in the public market and a positive effect of spatial proximity on the number of notices in the services and supplies markets. The difference lies in the levels of mutual adjustment required to optimally manage the relationship between public contractor and supplier.
The research is based on an econometric analysis conducted uniquely in the French context, which calls into question the external validity of the results obtained. The study also rests on segmentation into three aggregate markets, which might be considered too general.
Rather than analyze public contractors’ perceptions of the importance of the criterion of spatial proximity, the paper examines 565,557 actual transactions. The results point to the emergence of a new type of relationship with certain suppliers, which should lead public contractors to integrate relationship management competencies, in addition to legal and economic competencies, in the organization of calls for tenders.

Mamavi, O., Nagati, H., Werhle, F. et Paché, G., (2014). Out of sight, out of mind? Supplier spatial proximity in French public procurement, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 27, n°6. Download here